
We have given numerous talks  in English and Spanish in the US and Latin America about natural history subjects over the years.  We have added a number of our talks to this page in order to provide a source of information for cactus (and other nature-oriented) groups to use.

A new page related to biodiversity and citizen science is being developed here. It is relatively complete now and is intended to explain this material to general audiences. More can always be added.

Another page being developed is related to satellite-based cloud climatologies of islands using high resolution (30m) Sentinel imagery. This page is being used as a repository for results from various islands (of my personal interest) and some continental areas that appear to benefit from such high-resolution climatologies.

A new page is now being developed (late 2023) that will show the diversity of insects and other organisms in our backyard. The intent is to show the value of both gardening for nature and the value of citizen science applications like iNaturalist for exploring and understanding our natural environment.

Feel free to contact us for more details.